Technological developments enabled important developments in the plastic raw material production, as well. Developed during 1950s, PE 32 class low-density polyethylene is used in the potable water piping lines for the first time. Later, PE 63 raw material is developed and it is successfully applied in the systems not requiring high pressure. However, PE63 is used in the lines requiring pressure up to 4 bar, due to technical properties of material. Developments in raw material continued and PE 80 raw material as 2nd generation is brought into use. Thus, PE 80 raw material started to be used with high performance in potable water and natural gas grids. Developed at the beginning of 1990, 3rd generation PE 100 raw material gets to be both high performance and economic solution to the potable water and natural gas networks areas.

  • 1. Generation raw materials : PE 32 (LDPE), PE 40 (LDPE), PE 63 (HDPE)
  • 2. Generation raw materials : PE 80 (MDPE), PE 80 (HDPE)
  • 3. Generation raw materials : PE 100 (HDPE)

Fırat increased its product range from Ø 1600mm up to Ø 2500 mm in 2013. Pipes are produced in coils up to Ø 125 mm and in 12-13 m lengths at Ø 125 mm and above, in addition monolith pipe production at lengths of 250 or 500 m to be transported over sea in the special projects.


  • High stretch capability. By this means, they provide easiness in assembly. Breaking strain is minimum 350%.
  • Do not get affected from underground movements and not breakable.
  • High impact resistance and crack-spreading resistance.
  • Since their internal surface smoothness is low, it provides important advantages while selecting diameter in projecting.
  • Appropriate to undersea installation, and do not get affected from sea water and sea movements.
  • Due to linking method, no montage loss.
  • Serves free-of-problem under nominal operational pressure for minimum 50 years.
  • UV-light resistance.
  • Do not get affected from harmful substances contained in the earth structure and having corrosive effects.
  • Therefore, they do not require cathodic protection.
  • Resistant against chemical substances.
  • Do not change the smell and taste of the water, therefore it is sanitary.