Firat successfully completed the Mostra Convegno Milano Fair.

There was intense interest in our stand at the Eurasia Window Fair, which we attended with our Fıratpen, Winhouse and Gedizpen brands.

Fıratpipe successfully completed the SODEX Fair

Fırat Was The Center of Attention at The ISH Fair.

We Are At The ISH Fair With All Our Innovations

Intensive Attention On Our Stand At Eurasia Window Fair

Fırat completed Mostra Convegno Milan Fair succesfully.

Fıratpipe at MCE Mostra Convegno Expocomfort

Fırat Pipe was at the SODEX Fair with all its innovations.

ISK SODEX Istanbul Exhibition

Great interest shown in new products of Fırat at Interfresh Agricultural Irrigation Fair

Fıratboru has successfully completed the SODEX Fair

We have successfully completed the Eurasia Window Fair

Winhouse Successfully Represented Turkey at Fensterbau Frontale.

Fıratboru was at SODEX with its new products.

Winhouse attended the last fair of 2017 in India.

Winhouse, the export leader of its sector

Great attention to Fıratpen products in “Dubai Big 5”, favorite fair of United Arab Emirates

Winhouse wind in Latin American market

We have introduced our Winhouse brand in Kenya

The Leader of Both The Sector And The Fair Has Not Changed This Year Again

Fıratboru Participated In SODEX again.

Fırat Reintroduces Itself To The Window Expo

Teheran Fair 2016

FIRAT performed successfully at Italy Milan MCE 2012 Expo.

Fırat Is Satisfied With The Great Interest Shown In Moscow Aquatherm Expo

Ukraine Aqua Therm Exhibition

ISH - Germany Frankfurt 2015

Winhouse Showed Its Difference at Teheran Fair