Fırat Introduction Film’ was demonstrated prior to the visit which was realized in an emotional and sincere environment. Later on, İstanbul Environment and Urban Planning Director Prof. Dr. Mehmet Emin Birpınar expressed his gratitude to invite Sarajevo Martyrs’ Children Education Foundation to İstanbul.
Hosting the students in modern facilities, Dr. Nevzat Demir stated “You are not our guests but our brothers and sisters. We are tied to you just like how siblings are tied to each other heart to heart and soul to soul. Your sorrow and happiness are also ours.”
Answering the questions asked by the students, Dr. Nevzat Demir was presented with a “thank you note” which contains the feelings of Martyrs' Children, at the end of the program.
Honored with the courtesy of the students, Dr. Nevzat Demir said “You are our brothers and sisters and sibling shall always share the sorrow of each other.”
Giving special presents to the guests, Dr. Nevzat Demir paid attention to all students from Sarajevo one by one and had souvenir photograph taken.
Guests left Fırat facilities to participate in another program.