Produced according to TS EN 607 Standard, Fırat Rain Gutters and Fittings are used in transferring the rain water to sewerage system without damaging the exterior façade of the building.
Designed and produced in two different types such as decorative and cornered (150), Fırat Rain Gutter and Fittings provide users time, workmanship and cost benefits with its standardized technical details, fast and simple assembly and guaranteed function.
Of which rain amount and accordingly sectional measurements are defined with tests conducted yet during design stage and produced with high technology, Fırat rain gutters and fittings are a problem-free, very useful and aesthetically bonny rain discharge systems.
Rain gutters and down pipes are packaged in 5-unit sets and length of 4 meters by bundling each other. Fittings are packaged in special sacks at different quantities according to product form.
- Easy, fast, problem-free and safe assembly with its excellently adaptable fittings.
- It provides 100% tightness with its specially designed seals.
- Has dimensional functionality and rich variety.
- Non-corrosive, rust-free and non-blackening.
- Problem-free service even in hot and cold weather
- Produced with state-of-the-art technologies.
- Fits to all façade constructions and applicable to any kind of roof and eaves types.
- System structure allowing problem-free intervention each time.
- Very efficient with its economic and maintenance-free long service life
- Carries water rains even in very small slopes.
- High rain water carrying capacity.
- Rain gutters, down pipes and fittings are produced from polyvinylchloride (PVC-U) reinforced by stabilizer additive which increases resistance against different weather conditions and not containing plasticizer.
- Rain gutters, down pipes and fittings are produced in accordance with features stated in the TSE-EN 607 standards.
- Rain gutters, down pipes and fittings can be used between -5°C and 60 °C temperature ranges without any problem.
On the Fırat rain gutters and down pipes, there are below marking details.
- Fırat
- Product name and size
- Raw material used
- TS EN 607
- Production date, place and hour
- Machine producing the product