In the mobile system, the connection to radiators is made from collector in parallel. Since separate inlet and outlet made to every radiator in this system, no heat unbalance problem occurs. If any room is not intended to be heated in the place, it is enough to shut off the valve of radiator of that zone. Collectors equipped with sufficient numbers of outlets to radiator quantity is connected to the column line or combi outlets Fırat Pex pipes must be connected to radiator by passing through red sheath pipe for hot water output connection, through blue sheath pipe for cold water return connection.
After completion of collector outlet and return connection, operation and tightness test must be conducted.

Before covering the installation which is mounted, operation, pressure and impermeability test must certainly be conducted. Water should be supplied into system with a hand-operated pump and a manometer that will enable observation of desired pressure value from test pump should be attached.
For Pressure test;
1. All points that are open in installation which is tested must be closed.
2. All valves in the installation must be turned off.
3. System must be filled with water at the lowest point of piping system and main valve must be opened slightly. In order to avoid strong pressure impacts, pipe lines must be deflated from the utilization points at the highest and farthest sections.
4. Installation must be tested at a pressure 1.5 times higher than that of pipe operation pressure during 30 minutes. Operation pressure describes maximum operation pressure at 20 °C and indicated on all of the pipes.
5. During this time, no pressure fall in manometer and impermeability should occur.
6. If pressure drops in the manometer which test is observed, this means leakage occurs and leaking pipe line must be checked and if necessary replaced.
- No installation should be done at temperatures below 0 °C. For installation, pipes must be stored at ambient temperature (20°C).
- PEX pipes must not be exposed to sun light.
- Corner conditioner must be used in the bends of 90 °C in the inlet and exists of ground concrete. Corner conditioners prevent cracks and leaks by balancing the expansion of pipes.
- Pipes must be installed tightly, and a tolerance of 10 mm should be reserved lengthwise in every 1 meters. (When temperature difference of 70 °C are taken into account)
- PEX pipes must be protected against external impacts.
- No air gaps should remain between grout concrete and pipe in the ground installations. Since this situation will form a heat barrier, ambient heat efficiency will decline.
- In order to connect PEX pipe to radiator at a 90° angle, jaw side of the inlet valves must face towards down. In case of jaw side facing towards wall of inlet valve, since angle will be 180°, a tension occurs in the pipe and so, cracks and bursts may happen in the emerging weak points.
- When sheathed pipes are laid down, sharp turns must be avoided. Otherwise, sheathing of new pipes will not be possible in pipe replacement.
- In order to protect Pex pipe system from freezing, the water must be discharged in the idle piping systems.
- Styrofoam density must be 16-18 gr/cm3 in ground installations, if load amount is heavy on the ground, then it must be 20-22 gr/cm3 density. In the normal floors, Styrofoam thickness must be 20 mm and in the soft ground such as soil, it must be 40 mm and Styrofoam must be covered with a plastic canvas.